

I’m Lisa,

an Australian


Hi, I’m Lisa Foley. When I was 7 years old, and I’d only written one story in my life, I had an epiphany – I wanted to be a writer! I didn’t know what that meant other than my inner sense of excitement at creating stories. It felt like the best thing ever.

As I grew up and moved into the world, I trekked through various creative jungles including film/TV, visual arts, and of course writing. I discovered a penchant for writing novels, but I also tried my hand at writing for stage and screen, freelance editing and copywriting.

My writing journey did not exactly take the scenic route. I hit a huge roadblock early on when my eyes became severely affected by computer screens. If you want to write novels, that’s a bit of a problem! These days, I’m a massive fan of e-ink screens, which are so much kinder on the eyes than traditional screens.

All these years after my epiphany, I still agree with my seven-year-old self. Writing is the best thing ever. And guess what? I’m still writing stories for kids.

If you are interested in school visits, creative writing sessions or workshops, click here.